
Contribute to ChandlerSpeaks

Donate to ChandlerSpeaks
ChandlerSpeaks is a Non-Profit organization focusing on speech development needs of school-aged children. Speech development is personalized experience needing to be designed upon individual needs. This individualized approach is time-consuming and expensive. In many cases, the best results are seen with private speech therapy. Our mission is to provide the necessary monetary requirements to those under-privileged individuals who cannot afford these services.
Donations $266
Goal $30,000

ChandlerSpeaks first extended giving campaign aims to raise $30,000 by December 31, 2024! The $30,000 will allow ChandlerSpeaks to provide speech language pathology services to an additional four children. This six-month campaign will raise monies through on-line donations, corporate donors, sponsored events and family foundations! You can help us reach our goal by making an online donation or spreading the word to your personal and professional network! Donate using the form below and consider helping ChandlerSpeaks expand its donor universe! Our success is based upon your help and generosity!

Donate to ChandlerSpeaks